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Publications of the Gauquelin Laboratory (L.E.R.R.C.P.)

Laboratory for the Study of Relationships between Cosmic and Psychophysiological Phenomena
(Laboratoire d'Étude des Relations entre Rythmes Cosmiques et Psychophysiologiques, L.E.R.R.C.P.)
by Michel & Françoise Gauquelin

(Coordonnées natales et planétaires rassemblées depuis 1949)

Series A: Professionals Notabilities

Volume 1: Sports Champions (April 1970)
Volume 2: Men of Science (May 1970)
Volume 3: Military Men (July 1970)
Volume 4: Painters & Musicians (Nov. 1970)
Volume 5: Actors & Politicians (Dec. 1970)
Volume 6: Writers & Journalists (March 1971)

Series B: Heredity Experiment (Family Birth Data)

Volume 1: Paris, Births 1-5011 (Feb. 1970)
Volume 2: Paris, Births 5012-9838 (Mar. 1970)
Volume 3: Seine, Births 9847-13740 (Sep. 1970)
Volume 4: Seine, Births 13741-17499 (Oct. 1970)
Volume 5: Seine, Births 17500-21243 (Jan. 1971)
Volume 6: Seine, Births 21244-24949 (Feb. 1971)

Series C: Psychological Monographs

Volume 1: Profession-Heredity, Results of Series A & B (May 1972)
Volume 2: The Mars Temperament & Sports Champions (May 1973)
Volume 3: The Saturn Temperament & Men of Science (March 1974)
Volume 4: The Jupiter Temperament & Actors (May 1974)
Volume 5: The Moon Temperament & Writers (May 1977)
-Volume 6: A book of Synthesis (never published?)

Series D: Scientific Documents

Volume 1: Les facteurs planétaires de la personnalité (Feb. 1976, 22 p.)
Volume 1b: The Planetary Factors in Personality (English edition, i.e. 2nd rev. ed., 1978, 30 p.)
Volume 2: Replication of the Planetary Effect in Heredity (June 1977, 71 p.)
Volume 3: Statistical Tests of Zodiacal Influences. Book I : Profession & Heredity (Feb. 1978, 61 p.)
Volume 4: The Venus Temperament. A Tentative Description (May 1978, 25 p.)
Volume 5: Diurnal Positions of Sun, Mercury, Uranus, Neptune, Pluto. Profession - Heredity Supplement (Jun. 1978, 39 p.)
Volume 6: The Mars Effect and the Sports Champions. A New Replication on 432 Famous Europeans (MG, Sep. 1979, 42 p.)
Volume 7: Traditional Symbolism in Astrology and the Character Traits Method (FG, Apr. 1980, 55 p.)
Volume 8: Zodiac and Character-Traits. Statistical Tests of Zodiacal Influences, Book 2 (MG, June 1981, 37 p.)
Volume 9: Murderers and Psychotics (MG, Aug. 1981, 43 p.)
Volume 10: Report on American Data (MG, Jan. 1982, 142 p. ; M&FG, San Diego edition, 1982)

Series E: New Birth Data Series

Volume 1: 2145 Physicians, Army Leaders, Top Executives (MG, 1984)
Volume 2: Planetary Heredity. A Reappraisal on 50,000 Subjects (MG, 1984)
Volume 3: 1540 Authors, Artists, Actors, Politicians, Journalists (MG, 1984)


Astro-Psychological Problems (A Quaterly Research Journal)
Director : Françoise Gauquelin ; Editor : Marie Schneider [i.e. the same person]

A List of the Main Articles

Some of these texts are available for Cura's Association members.

1982 Dec, Vol.1 (1), Freeman Martin: How Preconception Works on the Scientists' Side (A BBC emission)
1982 Dec, Vol.1 (1), Bollen Marian: Five Generations of Farmers and Jupiter Heredity
1982 Dec, Vol.1 (1), Gauquelin Françoise: The Search for Planetary Keywords (Characters Traits Analyses)
1982 Dec, Vol.1 (1), Eysenck Hans: Methodology and the Vernon Clark Experiment

1983 Mar, Vol.1 (2), Eysenck Hans: Are the Astrologers also Prejudiced? (Comments on a BBC emission)
1983 Mar, Vol.1 (2), Curry Patrick: Choose your Science (Comments on a BBC emission)
1983 Mar, Vol.1 (2), Eysenck Hans: Happiness in Marriage (Part I)
1983 Mar, Vol.1 (2), Steffert Beverley: Reductionist versus Wholistic Judgments of Horoscopes
1983 Mar, Vol.1 (2), Niehenke Peter: The Whole is more than the Sum of its Parts
1983 Mar, Vol.1 (2), Douglas Graham: A Theoretical Prediction from the Gauquelins' Findings
1983 Mar, Vol.1 (2), Gauquelin Françoise: Answer to Graham Douglas's Theoretical Prediction

1983 Jun, Vol.1 (3), Blaas Willy: Planetary Types and Ordinary Persons
1983 Jun, Vol.1 (3), Eysenck Hans: Happiness in Marriage (Part II)
1983 Jun, Vol.1 (3), Mees Ulrich: Remarks about the Problem of Replicating Astrological Results
1983 Jun, Vol.1 (3), Dijkstra Bob: The Practice of Astrology

1983 Sep, Vol.1 (4), Dwyer Terence: Results of the Research with the Starword Program
1983 Sep, Vol.1 (4), Dean Geoffrey & Mather Arthur: Did Anyone win the World's Biggest Astrology Prize?
1983 Sep, Vol.1 (4), Eysenck Hans: Methodological Errors by Critics of Astrological Claims
1983 Sep, Vol.1 (4), Le Clercq Guy: Identification of an Artefact in Cosmoplanetary Research
1983 Sep, Vol.1 (4), Martinek Wolfgang: Excerpts from "Drug Addiction and Horoscopes"
1983 Sep, Vol.1 (4), Gauquelin Françoise: Comments about Wolfgang Martinek's "Drug Addiction and Horoscopes"
1983 Sep, Vol.1 (4), Reverchon Jacques: Two Notes for Discussion (Demographic peculiarities & Planetary heredity)
1983 Sep, Vol.1 (4), Gauquelin Françoise: The two Risks with Statistics (Answer to Jacques Reverchon)

1983 Dec, Vol.2 (1), Smithers Alan: Extraversion and Sun Sign
1983 Dec, Vol.2 (1), Shanks Thomas: Research on Astrological Factors between Married Couples
1983 Dec, Vol.2 (1), Gauquelin Françoise: Moon Results with a Projective Test
1983 Dec, Vol.2 (1), Libranti Angelo: The Problem of the Time in Previous Centuries
1983 Dec, Vol.2 (1), Gauquelin Françoise: The Planets of the Astrologers

1984 Mar, Vol.2 (2), Discepolo Ciro & Mauro Michele & Passariello Fausto: Astral Heredity
1984 Mar, Vol.2 (2), Riley Brian: A New Test of the Zodiac Signs
1984 Mar, Vol.2 (2), Eysenck Hans: The Mars Effect and its Evaluation
1984 Mar, Vol.2 (2), Ashmun Joanna: Critique of C.G. Jung's Astrological Experiment

1984 Jun, Vol.2 (3), Shanks Thomas & Steffert Beverley: Planets and Happiness in Marriage
1984 Jun, Vol.2 (3), Niehenke Peter: The Validity of Astrological Aspects
1984 Jun, Vol.2 (3), Mees Ulrich: A Study of the Relationships between Birthday and Time of Death
1984 Jun, Vol.2 (3), Weert Theo de: What is the Inventors' Temperament?
1984 Jun, Vol.2 (3), Gauquelin Françoise: Since When the Birthtime in Europe?

1984 Sep, Vol.2 (4), Gauquelin Françoise: Zodiac-Signs and Planets
1984 Sep, Vol.2 (4), Holden James: The Astronomical Expectancy
1984 Sep, Vol.2 (4), Kuypers Cornelis: A Study on Marriages
1984 Sep, Vol.2 (4), San Miguel de Pablos Jose Luis: Paul K. Feyerabend for Free Research
1984 Sep, Vol.2 (4), Halbronn Jacques: Astrology in France
1984 Sep, Vol.2 (4), Mirti Grazia: The Myth of Saturn

1984 Sep, Vol.2 (4), Gauquelin Françoise: Tierkreiszeichen und Planeten  
[Vols. 1 and 2 of APP have also been published in German, under the title "Astro-Psychologische Probleme"]

1985 Jan, Vol.3 (1), Burmyn Lynne: Preliminary Report on Lesbian Study
1985 Jan, Vol.3 (1), Gauquelin Françoise: The Search for the Lesbians' Planet
1985 Jan, Vol.3 (1), Gauquelin Françoise: The Nycthemeral Expectancy 
1985 Jan, Vol.3 (1), Dean Geoffrey: Algorithms for Evaluating Signifiance Levels
1985 Jan, Vol.3 (1), Mirti Grazia: The Myth of Jupiter

1985 May, Vol.3 (2), Gauquelin Françoise: A New Look at Aspects 
1985 May, Vol.3 (2), Jordan Shelley & Reynolds John: The origins of Negativity and Sexism in Astrology
1985 May, Vol.3 (2), Stark Franz: Planetary Position and Personality, How Tight is the Relationship?
1985 May, Vol.3 (2), Squitieri Luigi: 68 Birth Charts of Terrorists 
1985 May, Vol.3 (2), Valente Dante: Statistical Studies into Astrology (Clarifications)
1985 May, Vol.3 (2), Wendt Dirk: Planets, Statistics, Alpha-Errors, and Bayes
1985 May, Vol.3 (2), Gauquelin Françoise: Comments of David Nias's Review of "Planetary Heredity"

1985 Sep, Vol.3 (3), Gauquelin Françoise: The Greek Error or Return to Babylon
1985 Sep, Vol.3 (3), Bonner Brye: The Influence of Mercury on Contracts
1985 Sep, Vol.3 (3), Shanks Thomas: Mercury Retrograde and Divorces: A Reassessment
1985 Sep, Vol.3 (3), Kuypers Cornelis & Gauquelin Françoise: Death by Traffic Accident
1985 Sep, Vol.3 (3), Gauquelin Françoise & Gauquelin Daniel: The Chi Square Test
1985 Sep, Vol.3 (3), Hewit Paul: Subroutines: The Gauquelin Sectors
1985 Sep, Vol.3 (3), Gauquelin Françoise: More Precisions about the Gauquelin Sectors 

1986 Jan, Vol.4 (1), Eysenck Hans: Critique of Shawn Carlson's "Double-blind Test of Astrology"
1986 Jan, Vol.4 (1), Hamilton Teresa Weed: Critique of the Carlson Study
1986 Jan, Vol.4 (1), Gauquelin Françoise: Famous Professionals, Astronomical Problems and Aspects again 
1986 Jan, Vol.4 (1), Gauquelin Françoise: Student's t Test for Averages 

1986 May, Vol.4 (2), Costa-Ribeiro Anna-Maria & DeMarco Donna & Gauquelin Françoise: Drug Addicts - A Replication
1986 May, Vol.4 (2), Müller Arno: Comments on Astronomical and Statistical Problems with Astrological Aspects 
1986 May, Vol.4 (2), Niehenke Peter: Astrology, the False Testimony of the Cosmos
1986 May, Vol.4 (2), Gauquelin Françoise & Gauquelin Daniel: The Critical Ratio

1986 Sep, Vol.4 (3), Eysenck Hans: James Randi & Objective Research (with an interview of Randi on a radioshow)
1986 Sep, Vol.4 (3), Stark Franz: How Strong is the Gauquelin Planetary Effect Really?
1986 Sep, Vol.4 (3), Blackwell Arthur: Commentary on a Test of Sidereal Sign Delineations
1986 Sep, Vol.4 (3), Bordoni Grazia & Discepolo Ciro & Grilli Vincenzo: Election to Government Ministries and Transits
1986 Sep, Vol.4 (3), O'Neill Mike: The Moon's Nodes in Synastry
1986 Sep, Vol.4 (3), Stuhlhofer Franz: Georg Tannstetter, Pioneer of Empiricism in Astrology 
1986 Sep, Vol.4 (3), Gauquelin Françoise: Correlation Coefficients in Astrology 
1986 Sep, Vol.4 (3), Dobyns Zipporah: Personal Perspective

1987 Jan, Vol.5 (1), Eysenck Hans: The Value of Research in Astrology
1987 Jan, Vol.5 (1), Gauquelin Michel: A Critical Look at a Recent Study on Astrological Aspects 
1987 Jan, Vol.5 (1), Gauquelin Françoise: Answer to Michel Gauquelin's Criticisms 
1987 Jan, Vol.5 (1), Gauquelin Françoise & Shanks Thomas: Analyzed by Decades, the Aspect Effect increases 
1987 Jan, Vol.5 (1), Hünnebeck-Zimmermann Liselotte: Modern Births in Germany

1987 May, Vol.5 (2), Penguern Guy de: Presentation of a "New Challenge" in Medical Astrology
1987 May, Vol.5 (2), Gauquelin Françoise: How Guy de Penguern's Medical Predictions came out
1987 May, Vol.5 (2), Stark Franz: Replication of a Study on the "Gauquelin-Effect" with Ordinary People
1987 May, Vol.5 (2), Gauquelin Françoise & Costa-Ribeiro Anna-Maria & O'Neill Mike: 231 Male Homosexuals from Brazil
1987 May, Vol.5 (2), Gauquelin Françoise: What is the Meaning of a Chart when the Time of Birth is not the Natural one? 
1987 May, Vol.5 (2), Blackwell Arthur: Local Apparent Time 
1987 May, Vol.5 (2), Pottenger Mark: Do you mean Apparent? 

1987 Sep, Vol.5 (3), Gauquelin Françoise: Can we now conclude on the Aspect Effect? 
1987 Sep, Vol.5 (3), Gauquelin Françoise & Lehman Lee & Costa-Ribeiro Anna-Maria: More Data of Homosexuals
1987 Sep, Vol.5 (3), Valentiner David Peter: Transits and Abduction of Children
1987 Sep, Vol.5 (3), Niehenke Peter: Astrological Research and Science: Some Wrong Attitudes
1987 Sep, Vol.5 (3), Braitsch Hans: Seasonal Distribution of Births and Solar Wind
1987 Sep, Vol.5 (3), Kordts Norbert: Cyclic Events in the Planetary Motions
1987 Sep, Vol.5 (3), Urban-Lurain Mark: Anecdotal versus Scientific Research: the Difference

1988 Jan, Vol.6 (1), Benassi Victor: On Resisting Astrological Claims
1988 Jan, Vol.6 (1), Dean Geoffrey vs Gauquelin Françoise & Lehman Lee (in Readers Letters) 
1988 Jan, Vol.6 (1), Gauquelin Françoise: Attempts at Replicating Dr. Franz Stark's Planetary Results
1988 Jan, Vol.6 (1), Gauquelin Françoise: Traffic Accident Victims and Pluto Squares
1988 Jan, Vol.6 (1), Pottenger Mark: Aspects to Chart Angles
1988 Jan, Vol.6 (1), Gauquelin Françoise: Completed Astronomical Expectations for the "Hard Aspect Effect"
1988 Jan, Vol.6 (1), Becerra Jose: Some Methodological Issue in Astrological Research
1988 Jan, Vol.6 (1), Riley Brian: The Fixed Displacement Control Group

1988 May, Vol.6 (2), Ertel Suitbert: Planetary Relations with Female Notabilities: The First Results 
1988 May, Vol.6 (2), Nolle Richard: Real Astrology Review
1988 May, Vol.6 (2), Houston Lorna & Pottenger Mark & Gauquelin Françoise: Research on 132 Murderers
1988 May, Vol.6 (2), Pottenger Mark: Diurnal Sector Calculations
1988 May, Vol.6 (2), Gauquelin Françoise: Births in Brazil in 1969
1988 May, Vol.6 (2), Gauquelin Françoise: Is the Moon or Mercury the Traditional Planet of Writers? 

1988 Sep, Vol.6 (3), Professor Eysenck's Panel Discussion about Methods for astrological Research
1988 Sep, Vol.6 (3), Hand Robert: Brief Discussion of the Various Theories of Astrological Influences 
1988 Sep, Vol.6 (3), Houston L. & Gauquelin Fr. & Müller A. & O'Neill M.: More about Uranus and Murderers
1988 Sep, Vol.6 (3), Dinacci Ennio: Is there a Correlation between the MMPI Questionnaire and Planetary Angularity
1988 Sep, Vol.6 (3), Dean Geoffrey: Answer Letter to Dr. Lee Lehman
1988 Sep, Vol.6 (3), Gauquelin Françoise: Why Do Astrological Research ; and How to Proceed

[Vol.7 (1-2) of Astro-Psychological Problems was published as NCGR Research Journal.]

1989 Mar, Vol.7 (1), Gauquelin Françoise: An Interview with Neil Michelsen 
1989 Mar, Vol.7 (1), Eysenck Hans: Principles of Research and their Application to Astrology
1989 Mar, Vol.7 (1), Iacono Peter Lo: Astrology and the Self-Attribution Process
1989 Mar, Vol.7 (1), O'Neill Mike: The Moon's Nodes in Marriage - A Replication
1989 Mar, Vol.7 (1), Ertel Suitbert: Reversed Eminence Correlations
1989 Mar, Vol.7 (1), Gauquelin Françoise: Answer to Professor Ertel's Comments
1989 Mar, Vol.7 (1), Gauquelin Michel: Comments on Prof. Ertel's Article

1989 Sep, Vol.7 (2), Gauquelin Françoise: An Interview with Robert Hand 
1989 Sep, Vol.7 (2), Lehman Lee: The Neo-Astrology Conference: Some Reflections
1989 Sep, Vol.7 (2), Müller Arno: Can the Gauquelin Effect be Confirmed?
1989 Sep, Vol.7 (2), O'Neill Mike: Analysis of Ballet Dancers in Gauquelin Sectors
1989 Sep, Vol.7 (2), Houston Lorna: Venus-Pluto on the Occurrence Dates of Sex Murders
1989 Sep, Vol.7 (2), Pottenger Mark: Sun, Uranus & Demographics
1989 Sep, Vol.7 (2), Gauquelin Françoise: How to Maximize the Validity of your Statistical Tests 

1992 Mar, Vol.8 (1), Gauquelin Françoise: Michel Gauquelin, in Memoriam 
1992 Mar, Vol.8 (1), Irving Kenneth: Excerpt from "The New Astrology"
1992 Mar, Vol.8 (1), Gauquelin Françoise: Planetary Heredity: New Research Results 
1992 Mar, Vol.8 (1), Gauquelin Françoise: Time Changes in Australia

1992 Sep, Vol.8 (2), Eysenck Hans / Smit Rudolf: In Memoriam Michel Gauquelin (1928-1991)
1992 Sep, Vol.8 (2), Ertel Suitbert: References of Michel Gauquelin's Publications (Complete list)
1992 Sep, Vol.8 (2), Cène Christophe de: Why am I interested in Statistics?
1992 Sep, Vol.8 (2), Gauquelin Françoise: Thirty-two G. Planetary Types available for Chart Interpretations
1992 Sep, Vol.8 (2), Gauquelin Françoise: The Gauquelin Sectors 

1993 Mar, Vol.9 (1), Gauquelin Françoise: The Two "Extreme Types" 
1993 Mar, Vol.9 (1), Tarvainen Kyösti: On the rectification by the Rule of Hermes
1993 Mar, Vol.9 (1), Gauquelin Françoise: About the Accuracy of Birth Time Registration I 
1993 Mar, Vol.9 (1), Ertel Suitbert & Gauquelin Françoise (References of their Publications)

1993 Sep, Vol.9 (2), Gauquelin Françoise: MG's Planetary Temperaments versus FG's "Pure Types"
1993 Sep, Vol.9 (2), Müller Arno & Gauquelin Françoise: A Study of the Gauquelin Effect with 402 Italian Writers
1993 Sep, Vol.9 (2), Gauquelin Françoise: Accuracy of Birth Time Registration II 
1993 Sep, Vol.9 (2), Weert Theo de: The Birthplanet Transit Hypothesis

1994 Mar, Vol.10 (1), Gauquelin Françoise: Statistical Results with Ordinary People 
1994 Mar, Vol.10 (1), Irving Ken / Gauquelin Françoise: Pure and Mixed Planetary Types
1994 Mar, Vol.10 (1), Gillman Kenneth / Gauquelin Françoise: Financial Reasons can also cause Birth Date Shifting
1994 Mar, Vol.10 (1), Gauquelin Françoise: Problems in Computer Assisted Research

1994 Sep, Vol.10 (2), Roberts Peter: The astro-Questionnaire Project
1994 Sep, Vol.10 (2), O'Neill Mike: 8000 Chart Factors tested on the Gauquelin Professional Data
1994 Sep, Vol.10 (2), Gauquelin Françoise: The Character Trait Hypothesis (CTH) Experiments 
1994 Sep, Vol.10 (2), Jerome Patrick / Gauquelin Françoise: The Neptune Factor
1994 Sep, Vol.10 (2), Paquier Philippe: The most Jupiterian of Saturnians
1994 Sep, Vol.10 (2), Pottenger Mark: Gauquelin Sector expected Frequencies

1995 Mar, Vol.11 (1), Gauquelin Françoise: The Ostende Euroskeptics Conference 
1995 Mar, Vol.11 (1), Gauquelin Françoise: CTH Yes? or CTH No? 
1995 Mar, Vol.11 (1), Tollefson Margot: Testing for 7th House Rulership using the G Heredity Data Set
1995 Mar, Vol.11 (1), Douglas Graham: Planets in Semantic Space
1995 Mar, Vol.11 (1), Pottenger Mark / Gauquelin Françoise: Follow-up on the Neptune Factor
1995 Mar, Vol.11 (1), Smith Cedric: A Fourier Analysis of the Gauquelin Professionals' Frequency Distribution

1995 Sep, Vol.11 (2), Gauquelin Françoise: Can we Conclude about the CTH Controversy? Not yet it seems 
[This volume has never been finished nor published.]

A List of Articles by Authors
The main collaborators of AAP have been Hans Eysenck, Mark Pottenger, Suitbert Ertel, Mike O'Neill and Lee Lehman.

Ashmun Joanna: Critique of C.G. Jung's Astrological Experiment
Becerra Jose: Some Methodological Issue in Astrological Research
Benassi Victor: On Resisting Astrological Claims
Blaas Willy: Planetary Types and Ordinary Persons
Blackwell Arthur: Commentary on a Test of Sidereal Sign Delineations
Blackwell Arthur: Local Apparent Time
Bollen Marian: Five Generations of Farmers and Jupiter Heredity
Bonner Brye: The Influence of Mercury on Contracts
Bordoni Grazia & Discepolo Ciro & Grilli Vincenzo: Election to Government Ministries and Transits
Braitsch Hans: Seasonal Distribution of Births and Solar Wind
Burmyn Lynne: Preliminary Report on Lesbian Study
Cène Christophe de: Why am I interested in Statistics?
Costa-Ribeiro Anna-Maria & DeMarco Donna & Gauquelin Françoise: Drug Addicts - A Replication
Curry Patrick: Choose your Science (Comments on a BBC emission)
Dean Geoffrey & Mather Arthur: Did Anyone win the World's Biggest Astrology Prize? : A Bad Joke
Dean Geoffrey vs Gauquelin Françoise & Lehman Lee (in Readers Letters)
Dean Geoffrey: Algorithms for Evaluating Signifiance Levels
Dean Geoffrey: Answer Letter to Dr. Lee Lehman
Dijkstra Bob: The Practice of Astrology
Dinacci Ennio: Is there a Correlation between the MMPI Questionnaire and Planetary Angularity
Discepolo Ciro & Mauro Michele & Passariello Fausto: Astral Heredity
Dobyns Zipporah: Personal Perspective
Douglas Graham: A Theoretical Prediction from the Gauquelins' Findings
Douglas Graham: Planets in Semantic Space
Dwyer Terence: Results of the Research with the Starword Program
Ertel Suitbert & Gauquelin Françoise (References of their Publications)
Ertel Suitbert: Astrological Character Traits - Two Research Reports
Ertel Suitbert: Planetary Relations with Female Notabilities: The First Results
Ertel Suitbert: References of Michel Gauquelin's Publications (Complete list)
Ertel Suitbert: Reversed Eminence Correlations
Eysenck Hans / Smit Rudolf: In Memoriam Michel Gauquelin (1928-1991)
Eysenck Hans: Are the Astrologers also Prejudiced? (Comments on a BBC emission)
Eysenck Hans: Critique of Shawn Carlson's "Double-blind Test of Astrology"
Eysenck Hans: Happiness in Marriage (Part I)
Eysenck Hans: Happiness in Marriage (Part II)
Eysenck Hans: James Randi & Objective Research (with an interview of Randi on a radioshow)
Eysenck Hans: Methodological Errors by Critics of Astrological Claims
Eysenck Hans: Methodology and the Vernon Clark Experiment
Eysenck Hans: Principles of Research and their Application to Astrology
Eysenck Hans: The Mars Effect and its Evaluation
Eysenck Hans: The Value of Research in Astrology
Freeman Martin: How Preconception Works on the Scientists' Side (A BBC emission)
Gauquelin Françoise & Costa-Ribeiro Anna-Maria & O'Neill Mike: 231 Male Homosexuals from Brazil
Gauquelin Françoise & Gauquelin Daniel: The Chi Square Test
Gauquelin Françoise & Gauquelin Daniel: The Critical Ratio
Gauquelin Françoise & Lehman Lee & Costa-Ribeiro Anna-Maria: More Data of Homosexuals
Gauquelin Françoise & Pottenger Mark & Santoni Francis: The Gauquelin Sectors
Gauquelin Françoise & Shanks Thomas: Analyzed by Decades, the Aspect Effect increases
Gauquelin Françoise: A New Look at Aspects
Gauquelin Françoise: About the Accuracy of Birth Time Registration I
Gauquelin Françoise: Accuracy of Birth Time Registration II
Gauquelin Françoise: An Interview with Neil Michelsen
Gauquelin Françoise: An Interview with Robert Hand
Gauquelin Françoise: Answer to Graham Douglas's Theoretical Prediction
Gauquelin Françoise: Answer to Michel Gauquelin's Criticisms
Gauquelin Françoise: Answer to Professor Ertel's Comments
Gauquelin Françoise: Attempts at Replicating Dr. Franz Stark's Planetary Results
Gauquelin Françoise: Births in Brazil in 1969
Gauquelin Françoise: Can we now conclude on the Aspect Effect?
Gauquelin Françoise: Comments about Wolfgang Martinek's "Drug Addiction and Horoscopes"
Gauquelin Françoise: Comments of David Nias's Review of "Planetary Heredity"
Gauquelin Françoise: Completed Astronomical Expectations for the ""Hard Aspect Effect"
Gauquelin Françoise: Correlation Coefficients in Astrology
Gauquelin Françoise: CTH Yes? or CTH No?
Gauquelin Françoise: Famous Professionals, Astronomical Problems and Aspects again
Gauquelin Françoise: How Guy de Penguern's Medical Predictions came out
Gauquelin Françoise: How to Maximize the Validity of your Statistical Tests
Gauquelin Françoise: Is the Moon or Mercury the Traditional Planet of Writers?
Gauquelin Françoise: MG's Planetary Temperaments versus FG's "Pure Types"
Gauquelin Françoise: Michel Gauquelin, in Memoriam
Gauquelin Françoise: Moon Results with a Projective Test
Gauquelin Françoise: More Precisions about the Gauquelin Sectors
Gauquelin Françoise: Planetary Heredity: New Research Results
Gauquelin Françoise: Problems in Computer Assisted Research
Gauquelin Françoise: Since When the Birthtime in Europe?
Gauquelin Françoise: Statistical Results with Ordinary People
Gauquelin Françoise: Student's t Test for Averages
Gauquelin Françoise: The Character Trait Hypothesis (CTH) Experiments
Gauquelin Françoise: The Greek Error or Return to Babylon
Gauquelin Françoise: The Nycthemeral Expectancy
Gauquelin Françoise: The Ostende Euroskeptics Conference
Gauquelin Françoise: The Planets of the Astrologers
Gauquelin Françoise: The Search for Planetary Keywords (Characters Traits Analyses)
Gauquelin Françoise: The Search for the Lesbians' Planet
Gauquelin Françoise: The Two "Extreme Types"
Gauquelin Françoise: The two Risks with Statistics (Answer to Jacques Reverchon)
Gauquelin Françoise: Thirty-two G. Planetary Types available for Chart Interpretations
Gauquelin Françoise: Traffic Accident Victims and Pluto Squares
Gauquelin Françoise: What is the Meaning of a Chart when the Time of Birth is not the Natural one?
Gauquelin Françoise: Why Do Astrological Research ; and How to Proceed
Gauquelin Françoise: Zodiac-Signs and Planets
Gauquelin Michel: A Critical Look at a Recent Study on Astrological Aspects
Gauquelin Michel: Comments on Prof. Ertel's Article
Gillman Kenneth / Gauquelin Françoise: Financial Reasons can also cause Birth Date Shifting
Glade Henry: The Astrological Scene in Moscow
Halbronn Jacques: Astrology in France
Hamilton Teresa Weed: Critique of the Carlson Study
Hamilton Teresa: Planetary Patterns and Personality
Hand Robert: Brief Discussion of the Various Theories of Astrological Influences
Harding Mike: Pictures in the Sky
Hewit Paul: Subroutines: The Gauquelin Sectors
Holden James: The Astronomical Expectancy
Houston L. & Gauquelin Fr. & Müller A. & O'Neill M.: More about Uranus and Murderers
Houston Lorna & Pottenger Mark & Gauquelin Françoise: Research on 132 Murderers
Houston Lorna: Venus-Pluto on the Occurrence Dates of Sex Murders
Hünnebeck-Zimmermann Liselotte: Modern Births in Germany
Iacono Peter Lo: Astrology and the Self-Attribution Process
Irving Ken / Gauquelin Françoise: Pure and Mixed Planetary Types
Irving Kenneth: Excerpt from "The New Astrology"
Jerome Patrick / Gauquelin Françoise: The Neptune Factor
Jordan Shelley & Reynolds John: The origins of Negativity and Sexism in Astrology
Kordts Norbert: Cyclic Events in the Planetary Motions
Kuypers Cornelis & Gauquelin Françoise: Death by Traffic Accident
Kuypers Cornelis: A Study on Marriages
Le Clercq Guy: Identification of an Artefact in Cosmoplanetary Research
Lehman Lee: How to do Research
Lehman Lee: The Neo-Astrology Conference: Some Reflections
Libranti Angelo: The Problem of the Time in Previous Centuries
Martinek Wolfgang: Excerpts from "Drug Addiction and Horoscopes"
Mees Ulrich: A Study of the Relationships between Birthday and Time of Death
Mees Ulrich: Remarks about the Problem of Replicating Astrological Results
Mirti Grazia: The Myth of Jupiter
Mirti Grazia: The Myth of Saturn
Müller Arno & Gauquelin Françoise: A Study of the Gauquelin Effect with 402 Italian Writers
Müller Arno: Can the Gauquelin Effect be Confirmed?
Müller Arno: Comments on Astronomical and Statistical Problems with Astrological Aspects
Niehenke Peter: Astrological Research and Science: Some Wrong Attitudes
Niehenke Peter: Astrology, the False Testimony of the Cosmos
Niehenke Peter: The Validity of Astrological Aspects
Niehenke Peter: The Whole is more than the Sum of its Parts
Nolle Richard: Real Astrology Review
O'Neill Mike: 8000 Chart Factors tested on the Gauquelin Professional Data
O'Neill Mike: Analysis of Ballet Dancers in Gauquelin Sectors
O'Neill Mike: The Moon's Nodes in Marriage - A Replication
O'Neill Mike: The Moon's Nodes in Synastry
Paquier Philippe: The most Jupiterian of Saturnians
Penguern Guy de: Presentation of a "New Challenge" in Medical Astrology
Pottenger Mark / Gauquelin Françoise: Follow-up on the Neptune Factor
Pottenger Mark: Aspects to Chart Angles
Pottenger Mark: Diurnal Sector Calculations
Pottenger Mark: Do you mean Apparent?
Pottenger Mark: Gauquelin Sector expected Frequencies
Pottenger Mark: Sun, Uranus & Demographics
Professor Eysenck's Panel Discussion about Methods for astrological Research
Reverchon Jacques: Two Notes for Discussion (Demographic peculiarities & Planetary heredity)
Riley Brian: A New Test of the Zodiac Signs
Riley Brian: The Fixed Displacement Control Group
Roberts Peter: The astro-Questionnaire Project
San Miguel de Pablos Jose Luis: Paul K. Feyerabend for Free Research
Shanks Thomas & Steffert Beverley: Planets and Happiness in Marriage
Shanks Thomas: Mercury Retrograde and Divorces: A Reassessment
Shanks Thomas: Research on Astrological Factors between Married Couples
Smith Cedric: A Fourier Analysis of the Gauquelin Professionals' Frequency Distribution
Smithers Alan: Extraversion and Sun Sign
Squitieri Luigi: 68 Birth Charts of Terrorists
Stark Franz: How Strong is the Gauquelin Planetary Effect Really?
Stark Franz: Planetary Position and Personality, How Tight is the Relationship?
Stark Franz: Replication of a Study on the "Gauquelin-Effect" with Ordinary People
Steffert Beverley: Reductionist versus Wholistic Judgments of Horoscopes
Stuhlhofer Franz: Georg Tannstetter, Pioneer of Empiricism in Astrology
Tarvainen Kyösti: On the rectification by the Rule of Hermes
Tollefson Margot: Testing for 7th House Rulership using the G Heredity Data Set
Urban-Lurain Mark: Anecdotal versus Scientific Research: the Difference
Valente Dante: Statistical Studies into Astrology (Clarifications)
Valentiner David Peter: Transits and Abduction of Children
Weert Theo de: The Birthplanet Transit Hypothesis
Weert Theo de: What is the Inventors' Temperament?
Wendt Dirk: Planets, Statistics, Alpha-Errors, and Bayes

Centre Universitaire de Recherche en Astrologie
Web site Designer & Editor: Patrice Guinard
© 2009-2020, Dr. Patrice Guinard