Choose your Science (Comments on a BBC emission)
by Patrick Curry


Note PG : This paper appeared in Françoise's Research Journal, 'Astro-Psychological Problems', vol. 1, No. 2 (March 1983). I disagree with Curry's definition of "ideology" as "any set of ideas used by any group to legitimate and advance their own interests." (p.11). One should not speak of "ideology" for any sport or game club trying to defend its interests by speading tactical rules. The defence of interests does not imply ideological contents. On the contrary ideology goes beyond mere interests of a group and have some part of unconscious content. For a better definition of ideology, see my introduction to Tocqueville's Democracy : "Ideology does not act through a few ideas, values or mental signposts, nor even as a network of ideas. It is a structural organization which underpins ideas, a particular disposition of mind. etc"
Astro-Psychological Problems, vol. 1, No. 2 (March 1983) Patrick Curry, Choose your Science (Comments on a BBC emission), APP 1.2, 1983

Patrick Curry, Choose your Science (Comments on a BBC emission), APP 1.2, 1983 Patrick Curry, Choose your Science (Comments on a BBC emission), APP 1.2, 1983

Patrick Curry, Choose your Science (Comments on a BBC emission), APP 1.2, 1983


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Patrick Curry: Choose your Science (Comments on a BBC emission)
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