The Mars Effect and its Evaluation
by Hans Eysenck (1916-1997)


Note PG : This paper appeared in Françoise's Research Journal, 'Astro-Psychological Problems', vol. 2, No. 2 (March 1984).
Astro-Psychological Problems, vol. 2, No. 2 (March 1984) Hans Eysenck, The Mars Effect and its Evaluation, APP 2.2, 1984

Hans Eysenck, The Mars Effect and its Evaluation, APP 2.2, 1984 Hans Eysenck, The Mars Effect and its Evaluation, APP 2.2, 1984

Hans Eysenck, The Mars Effect and its Evaluation, APP 2.2, 1984 Hans Eysenck, The Mars Effect and its Evaluation, APP 2.2, 1984


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Hans Eysenck: The Mars Effect and its Evaluation
All rights reserved © 1984 Hans Eysenck / APP ; 2009 CURA

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