Exegesis Volume 3 Issue #2

From: John Reder
Subject: Re: Exegesis Digest V3 #1

From: Goldenluck
Subject: Re: Exegesis Digest V3 #1

Exegesis Digest Wed, 21 Jan 1998

Date: Tue, 20 Jan 1998 14:56:28 GMT
From: John Reder
To: Exegesis
Subject: Re: Exegesis Digest V3 #1

I think the problem with the list is twofold. One is the format and the other is an outgrowth of the format. As a combined digest list, rather than each having each response mailed out separately` it gets very difficult to wade through exactly what each individual wants to read and respond to. The reader has to scroll through the list and decide which postings they want to read and respond to, which can get very time consuming and frustrating. What kills off the "flareups", as I have noticed, is the second problem. There is always some one that posts what amounts to a 10,000 word essay, that may or may not be any more than a diatribe. The reader then scrolls and scrolls and it never seems to come to an end, so they just give up and don't continue on. So everyone that has their post coming after, doesn't get read and the flareup dies out. It would be really good if the list could be in a non-digest form and each individual posting sent out and received separately. Failing that, the posters should try to maintain some discipline in their posting, so as not to overrun the mailing. A short, concise message will get much more attention and response than an extremely extended discourse. No matter how much you feel you have to say, you have to consider how much ther reader wishes to spend their time reading. If you cannot get your point across quickly and concisely, then perhaps you should reexamine your point, until you can do just that. And, when reponding to a post, try to avoid including the entire previous post in your response. The original post we have all received, so snippets at most.

_\|/_ (o o)

John Reder (jreder


Date: Tue, 20 Jan 1998 20:18:35 EST
From: Goldenluck
To: exegesis
Subject: Re: Exegesis Digest V3 #1

May I ask? What is the premise or theme of this list?

Debbie G (who is new)

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