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Best On Web   Les 500 Meilleurs Sites du Moment
by Magazine Best On Web (Paris)

Cf. http://www.best-on-web.net

SEPT 1, 2003 -- Nouvelle distinction pour le Centre Universitaire de Recherche en Astrologie (déjà décernée en Mars 2001).
(Magazine vendu en kiosque. N°17. Septembre 2003. p.11)

Astrodaten's Website of the Month
by Maximilian Attems (Wien)

http://www.sternwelten.at/li-award.shtml (dead link)

OCT 7, 2002 (Astroletter Nr.28) -- C.U.R.A. (Centre Universitaire de Recherche en Astrologie) continues to be a quality astrological publication. Patrice Guinard has initiated an astrology which is foundational in and of itself. Historical impulses form the basis for a radical direction in astrology. This absolutely well-deserved award has been granted for the second time. [English translation]

AstrologyWizard's Website Award
by Paul Wade (Sussex, UK)

Cf. http://www.astrologywizard.com/links.htm

APR 12, 2002 -- The University Centre for Astrological Research is a trilingual online magazine for those wishing to expand the boundaries of astrological theory and practice. There is a huge range of articles to read and to enjoy, but be prepared for some intense intellectual application to benefit most from your visit!

Best Of Web   Les Meilleurs Sites du Moment
by Magazine Best Of Web (Paris)

MAR 1, 2001 -- Centre Universitaire de Recherche en Astrologie.
Très bien présenté, de nombreux sujets y sont traités comme l'épistémologie et la philosophie de l'astrologie, l'histoire de l'astrologie, la psychologie et l'astrologie, la vérité sur les horoscopes, l'étude des opérateurs et des structures astrologiques, la recherche en astrologie, les techniques et les pratiques, etc. Vous trouverez aussi un top 20 des sites astrologiques avec un commentaire pour chacun. Un site "pointu" sur l'astrologie. Très bien.
(magazine vendu en kiosque. N°6. Mars/Avril 2001. p.9)

The Mountain Astrologer's Website of the Month
by Mary Plumb (California)

Cf. http://www.MountainAstrologer.com/reviewjan.html

JAN 3, 2001 -- This trilingual site (French, English, and Spanish) is edited by Patrice Guinard, who was awarded a doctorate from the Sorbonne in 1993. His doctoral thesis, "L'Astrologie : Fondements, Logique et Perspectives," is in the process of being revised and posted on the site. C.U.R.A. is a noncommercial site whose aim is "to monitor astrology by taking care that this multimillenary knowledge not be ruined by media hype, does not degenerate into the horoscope trade, and does not become obliterated by partisan research."
Articles are compiled into three main sections: The History of Astrology; Epistemology (and Philosophy) of Astrology; and Techniques and Applications. This collection of papers comes from a variety of sources; many of the articles are newly edited or translated from academic research papers. The contributors to the site thus far include Cyril Fagan, Robert Schmidt, Robin Heath, Maurice McCann, Geoffrey Cornelius, Shelley Jordan, Glenn Perry, Brad Kochunas, Christopher Weidner, Peter Niehenke, André Barbault, and David McMinn. The works of other writers, which have not yet been translated into English, are available in Spanish and French.
C.U.R.A.'s elegant graphic design is helpful, because many of the papers are quite long. This site also features some well-chosen links (e.g., calendar sites on the Internet) and the Top 20 Astrology Sites (including TMA's Web site).
C.U.R.A. is updated bimonthly; researchers and astrologers interested in contributing to this endeavor are invited to contact Dr. Guinard. The site is also seeking volunteers to transcribe and translate Latin and German into French and English. C.U.R.A. is a superb source for serious astrology on the Web.

Astrodaten's Website of the Month
by Maximilian Attems (Wien)

Cf. http://www.sternwelten.at/li-award.shtml

JUL 3, 2000 (Astroletter Nr.3) -- Der Centre Universitaire de Recherche en Astrologie ist eine bimenstrielle Zeitschrift. Das Manifest ähnelt dem klassischem Kommunistischen Manifest in seiner Radikalität. Es wird konsequente Astrologie betrieben, das heißt es wird viel geforscht! Besonders lesenswert sind die philosophischen Grundideen. Bravo Patrice Guinard!

Astropro's Website of the Week Award
by Richard Nolle (Tempe, Arizona)

Cf. http://www.astropro.com/wow-184.html

MAR 6, 2000 -- C.U.R.A. is a most ambitious bilingual (French and English) website, an essential online destination for anyone interested in radical astrology. C.U.R.A. is an acronym for Centre Universitaire de Recherche en Astrologie, i.e. University Center for Astrological Research. Indeed, webmaster Patrice Guinard seeks to engage interested university research departments in a dialogue on astrology. Inasmuch as he was awarded his PhD from the Sorbonne for a dissertation on astrology, perhaps Guinard will find accomplices in the Academy. For the time being, C.U.R.A. consists of some thoughtful articles on historical and theoretical dimensions of astrology: good stuff, no fluff.


Centre Universitaire de Recherche en Astrologie
Web site Designer & Editor: Patrice Guinard
© 1999-2003 Dr. Patrice Guinard